Monday, September 8, 2008

The Play

Well it's here :-D

We had our first performances over the weekend and they were tremendous successes everyone was doing oh so well and the audiences loved it :-D On Saturday we had someone from Canberra come up to see the play, which was very cool :-D

We have 3 more to go over the next two weeks :-D very exciting and hopefully word gets around and our audiences are full, that would be fantastic :-D

Just look at those costumes!!!

So did Denise and this guy there Brad :-D

So yes it is all very exciting!!! But i don't want it to end because this is probably the last play for the year :-(

The Director and President are going on holidays to france, so we will have no real way of doing a show without them...we could but it would just be more difficult...especially since we don't drive :-S and Bilpin is 30km up the road :-S

Oh well


Luke :-D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do all look very smashing in your costumes. Now you have baseball to look forward too!!