Tuesday, September 1, 2009



I have always loved and been fascinated by stop animation and claymation. The people involved in creating these worlds is astounding. I don't think i could really have the patience for it actually. So when i first saw a preview for this film i knew that i wanted to see it. Also with the director from Tim Burtons Nightmare Before Christmas (One of my most favourite movies ever), how could i say no.

The film itself was entertaining, albeit it seemed slow paced but it jogged through those moments quite nicely, and it did indeed have it's funny moments. The vocal talents was quite a surprise, i had no idea who was involved, Dakota Fanning, Jennifer Saunders, Dawn French, Terri Hatcher (that one i knew)

The premise of the film is that Coraline just wants to be noticed or have attention paid to her by her family after just moving to new house. And in this house there is a secret door, and when its unlocked its bricked up...but when she goes to sleep she discovers it is open and ready for her to enter, the only issue is that this other 'world' is a little bit different, her family and friends have buttons for eyes *add shocking music here*

As it is a stereotypical childrens film you quickly gather what the outcome of the film will be "what world will she choose to be apart of'" i still feel that it was a wonderful movie. The music was beautiful to listen to (its not a musical all singing and all dancing movie just so you know).

The only issue i had and it was with the film itself. It was those noisy little bastards at the back of the cinema who were constantly moving about and just being childlike. It grated my nerves, i should have gone to the cinema clerk and told them to kick them out! They were only young teens but still those bastards ruined the cinema experience for everyone in the theatre. Grr!

I would give this film a 3.5 out of 5



1 comment:

Amie.f.d said...

woohoo, i always like it when i see a good descrptive movie post. Alas i missed it, but itll just make it easier for me to pick a dvd in the future.