Saturday, February 7, 2009

Unconcious Mutterings

Something a bit different

  1. Take :: what you get and get what you take

  2. 350 :: ways do find out how to do something

  3. Stand :: ing in front of a salad bar and looking hungry

  4. Raspberry :: Turtles would look rather nice.

  5. Turnstile :: round and round and round...when does it stop?

  6. Infomercial :: waste of time...unless its something i want to watch...

  7. Dejected :: is only a word and you can get past the emotion...

  8. What’s the word? :: The word is Lake, it wants to be peaceful...

  9. Awestruck :: is a feeling i don't think i have felt in a long time...

  10. Smashed :: pumpkin can taste nice... I wouldn't know though, i like it mashed...



Extra Houseguests

Why have these girls got their knickers in a twist? We have two guests that have been with us since Wednesday...
Its been a rough few days for them but they are getting along slowly. These two get picked up today, the owner of the beautiful cats had pest control doing their home so we are looking after them. Shadow is actually the sister of Dora and Mittens, but the size difference is amazing, our two are like runts compared to her. But we still love our girls nonetheless.

But at least over a few days they are getting better aquainted, still we have the hissing at each other and whatnot, but you get that when there are four of them sharing the same places, lol. It happens.



Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday NIghts are Back!

Gotta love Monday night TV. And I am glad it is back. It is really the TV that both G and I do watch together. I love it and Him hehe :-D

It starts of with...
30 Rock

A great night of TV.

Its awesome.



Chinese New Year 09

Well we had our Chinese New Year Party this weekend just gone and i must say that it was quite a success. This year it is the Year of the Ox, which makes having a Chinese NBew Year different each year as it has a different theme. This year we had beef and meaty products, last year was the rat so we had lots of cheesy things :-D...when it comes to dragon im not sure what we are going to do...hmm...hehe oh well. But next year is the Tiger, so we may have to be creative with that too :-D oh the possibilities.

It was a great turn out i would say about 40 or so people had turned up. CNY is a time for people to get together who haven't been in touch for a while and for close friends too. So it was great to see people make the effort :-D i know those of you who couldn't make it have there reasons which is fine, I still love you :-D

Here are some pictures from the night

Tim Natalie Cristian and Ryan

It was a great night, i didn't take as many pictures as i wanted to but thats ok, at least i made a start :-D

Cheers and Thank you everyone
